National Garden Bureau (NGB) announces 2019 as the Year of Salvia nemorosa! Salvia nemorosa is a hardy salvia that thrives in most gardens. Popular varieties you might have heard of include ‘Mainacht’ (MayNight), ‘Caradonna’ and ‘Ostfriesland’ (East Friesland). Those are all great selections, but new ones are now available. Look for ‘New Dimension’, ‘Bordeau’ ‘Salute’, ‘Swifty’, the Fashionista™ series and Salvia ‘Blue by You’.
In addition to the article by NGB, you should also read my article, The Saving Graces of Sage, for lots of great info.
Have you grown salvia in your garden? Plan to? We'd love to hear what you have to say about it. Tell us in the comment section.
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