GoGardenNow Pages

Monday, May 27, 2024

Tired of watering those window boxes and planters?



Tired of watering those planters and window boxes?

Here are three possible solutions. There could be more, but we’ll begin with these.

  1. Add water-retentive gel to the planting mix. These flakes or crystals absorb up to 200x their weight in water, and release it into the soil as needed. This means you have to water less frequently. It also helps to prevent over-watering. Several brands are available on the market.
  2. Apply mulch on top of the soil and between the plants. We use worn-out hanging basket and window box liners made of coconut coir. New liners eventually wear out and need to be replaced. Rather than throw the old ones away, tear them into patches and lay them out on top of the soil as small mats. Because they’re compressed, the patches tend to stay together, suppressing weeds and retaining moisture below. Coconut coir is used for other products, too. You may find it in upholstery stuffing.
  3. Plant drought-tolerant perennials, small cacti and succulents in your planters. The less often you’d like to water, the more drought-tolerant the plants should be. This is, by far, the best solution, in my opinion. Cacti and succulents can produce beautifully vibrant foliage and flowers. They look rather exotic, as well.

So, consider these solutions when planning your window boxes and planters, especially if you intend to travel this summer.

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