GoGardenNow Pages

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Consider the benefits of raised-bed gardening.

Raised-bed garden image by congerdesign from Pixabay

What with the current economic situation in the U.S., inflation and supply chain disruptions, we’re thinking more about supplementing our foods with home-grown fruits, vegetables and herbs. Self-sufficiency is not possible for most folks, but container- and raised-bed gardening is well within the reach of the vast majority. Even those with plenty of growing space can benefit from these techniques.

So, what are the benefits of container- and raised-bed gardening? I’m glad you asked.

There are fewer weeds to control. Because raised-bed gardeners usually buy soil and humus or produce their own compost, fewer weeds are imported than if native soil is used. This reduces a whole lot of labor.

Watering and soil management are better controlled. Because plants are grown closer together and every inch of space is used to its best advantage, less water is wasted watering those spaces between the rows one finds in traditional gardens. If you’re not on a private well, this represents a big savings in water bills.

Soil compaction is eliminated since you won’t be walking through your raised beds.

Raised-beds allow for intensive gardening with closer plant spacing, therefore producing higher yields in less space.

The soil in containers and raised-beds warms earlier in the season and stays warm longer resulting in longer growing seasons.

Soil pH is easier to control.

Soil erosion is reduced by the confinement of the containers. Rainfall and irrigation waters stay put.

You can “customize” your garden soil to suit the needs of your crops because the influence of native soil is reduced dramatically or eliminated entirely.

No tilling is required!

You can set up your garden almost anywhere. A few square feet on a balcony or patio can accommodate several containers. Close quarters around buildings in urban settings can be transformed into verdant gardens.

Raised beds are very accessible, so are ideal for senior citizens and disabled persons.

So, if you desire to plant a garden but feel that you don’t have the space or ability to do it, raised-bed gardening might be just right for you.

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