GoGardenNow Pages

Saturday, February 11, 2023

February Garden Tasks?



Just when you think of sitting down and resting until spring, February rolls around. The month of February might be one of the busiest months for gardeners. Before you get too comfortable, let's review some of February's garden tasks.

To make it easier, we're organizing them by region.

Northeast States: Prune dormant deciduous trees, shrubs, vines. Avoid removing spring flower buds. Inspect those indoor plants around you for disease and insects. Refill your bird feeders. Shop plant and seed catalogs. Don't forget those nursery web sites. Order spring flowering bulbs, onion sets, strawberries, rhubarb and asparagus, if you haven’t already. Check bulbs and roots in cool storage; throw out rotten ones. Clean and oil garden tools.

Mid-Atlantic States: Prune dormant deciduous trees, shrubs, vines; but avoid removing spring flower buds.  Inspect your houseplants for disease or insect problems. Feed the birds. Browse seed catalogs in print and online. Order onion sets, strawberries, rhubarb, asparagus and spring flowering bulbs, if you haven’t already. Do you have bulbs and perennial roots in cool storage? Inspect them and throw out rotten ones. Add mulch to planting beds, if needed. Begin planting bare-root trees and shrubs. Sow warm-season annual and vegetable seeds in cold frames. Clean and oil garden tools. Take soil samples to your local Cooperative Extension Service for analysis. Adjust pH, if necessary.

Mid-South States: Continue pruning dormant deciduous trees, shrubs, vines.  Avoid removing spring-blooming flower buds. Prune and fertilize rose bushes. Spray dormant oil on dormant fruit trees, if you haven’t done so yet. Refill bird feeders often. Add mulch to planting beds, if needed. Take soil samples to your local Cooperative Extension Service for analysis. Adjust pH, if necessary. Sow warm-season annuals and vegetables in cold frame. Plant bare-root trees and shrubs. Plant perennial vegetables such as asparagus and rhubarb. Clean and oil garden tools.

Lower South and Gulf States: Cultivate garden soil. Sow root crops directly in your garden. Continue pruning dormant deciduous trees, shrubs, vines. Spray dormant oil on dormant fruit trees, if you haven’t done so yet.  Continue planting and transplanting broad leaf and evergreen trees and shrubs, perennials and ground covers. Begin irrigating shrubs and trees as long as weather is above freezing. Fertilize trees and shrubs when dormant, if you haven't done it yet. Add mulch to planting beds, if needed. Take soil samples to your local Cooperative Extension Service for analysis. Adjust pH, if necessary.

Plains and Rocky Mountain States: Follow the same regimen as for Northeast States.

Pacific Southwest and Desert States: Follow regimen for Lower South and Gulf States. Sow root crops directly in your garden.

Pacific Northwest States: Follow the same regimen as for Mid-Atlantic States.

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