GoGardenNow Pages

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Charming Plants for Wedding Favors and Table Decorations

Wedding table

Shouldn't thoughtful hostesses give a little something to their wedding guests to remember the occasion? But, of course! Living plants can grow in their gardens, reminding them of you for years to come. What's more, the meaning behind them taken from "the language of flowers" will lend them special significance. Here are a few selections from our offering that will be very memorable and long-lasting.


Candytuft (Iberis) whispers joy, sweetness, and beauty even in the face of adversity.

Catmint speaks of intoxicating love, fertility, and future happiness.


Coreopsis promises wealth and cheerfulness.

Chrysanthemum/Dendranthema assure friendship, love, and all the best wishes.


Dianthus tells of love, affection, gratitude, admiration, and hints of a little bit of whimsy thrown in for good measure.

Japanese Painted Fern

Ferns wish for good luck, riches, happiness, strong family bonds, and hope for future generations.

Goldenstar bets on good luck and healthy ambition.


Ivy (Hedera) declares eternal fidelity.

Moneywort hopes for wealth and life-long happiness.

Creeping Phlox

Phlox symbolizes harmony, unity in marriage.

Rudbeckia is full of bright encouragement.

St. John’s Wort declares God’s design for marriage and home.


Thyme is a symbol of healing, young love, romance and courage.

Verbena signifies romance, pleasant memories, happiness, personal creativity, and protection.


Veronica/Speedwell hopes for healing, recovery from broken hearts, and joyfulness.

Vinca expresses nostalgia, benevolence, and purity of heart.


Yarrow (Achillea) speaks of love, healing a broken heart, courage and inspiration.

Yellow Archangel

Yellow Archangel prays for wisdom, courage, and protection in the years ahead.

These can be treasured reminders of that festive day in the life of your adorable bride and groom.

Visit GoGardenNow.com for current availability. For pre-orders, contact us for details. We'll do our best to make your special day unforgettable. 

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