GoGardenNow Pages

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Meet Begonia Viking™ XL Red on Chocolate F1, a 2019 AAS Flower Winner

Begonia Viking™ XL Red on Chocolate F1. Photo Credit: AAS

Meet Begonia Viking™ XL Red on Chocolate F1, a 2019 AAS Flower Winner!

All-America Selections says, "A brand new begonia with large, uniquely colored dark leaves has arrived! Judges were impressed with how the deep bronze/brown color remained sharp and intense throughout the season, no matter where they were located; north, south, east or west. The color tones shine through to give a stunning garden appearance. Covered with vibrant red flowers, the compact plant retains its shape well and does not become rangy. 'Given the options, I would choose this variety for my landscape beds.' states a judge who plans beds for a public garden. 'This year’s weather seemed unusually conducive to disease on large-leaf begonias but none of these plants were affected' states another judge. These extra-large (XL) mounded plants are perfect in both landscapes and containers."

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