GoGardenNow Pages

Friday, July 27, 2018

FAQ: Do you know a particular kind of bug spray that I should use on these plants that won't harm them?

Q. Something is still attacking my liriope plants, and a friend said it definitely looks like some kind of bug is eating them. But I can't see any bugs with my eyes. I put the slug bait around twice, and that has not stopped the problem. Do you know a particular kind of bug spray that I should use on these plants that won't harm them? I'm going to try bug spray once the rains stop. We've had a solid week or more of rain and thunderstorms. I have worked so hard on these plants to keep them alive and doing well. They look beautiful in my front yard. Please let me know what bug spray you would recommend. Many thanks!

A. As a rule, insecticides don't harm plants. There are exceptions. Oil-based formulations might, depending upon the plant. Since you can't identify the beast, you'd do best with a broad-spectrum insecticide. SaferGro PestOut, Ferti-Lome Broad Spectrum Insecticide RTS, Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer For Lawns & Landscapes might work. They all come in ready-to-use form. There are several high-power broad-spectrum, systemic insecticides that should work without fail. Their disadvantages include cost and higher toxicity.

As with all chemicals, follow label instructions.

I hope this helps.

If you, dear reader, have had particular success with any broad-spectrum insecticide, please let us know in the Comment section. We'd love to hear from you!

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