GoGardenNow Pages

Thursday, March 31, 2011

FAQ: How should I prepare a planting site for mondo grass?

Q. How should I prepare a planting site for mondo grass? The area is covered with weeds. Should I use landscape cloth?

A. Begin by taking a soil sample of the area. Contact your nearby Cooperative Extension Service for assistance. Follow the recommendations of the test results.

If your soil is friable (soft enough for planting), don't bother cultivating. Cultivating will stir up weeds seeds that have been dormant since Noah. If the soil is compacted and does need to be cultivated, allow time for new weeds to germinate. Spray weeds with glyphosate, allow weeds to die, then plant. Glyphosate does not persist in the soil, so it won't damage the mondo when  you plant. Do not lay landscape cloth. After planting, add about 3 inches of mulch. The mulch will discourage weeds.

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