GoGardenNow Pages

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Pleasure Of Bird-bathing

When we think of attracting birds to our yards, we think of bird feeders. To be sure, they do bring many species within viewing distance. But birds are also attracted to water. And they especially appreciate bird baths this time of year because of heat and dry conditions. A large population of juvenile birds and the start of migration season will bring even more to bathe. In addition, there are many species that dine on insects and would never frequent a seed feeder. So the addition of water features will attract more such as flycatchers, mockingbirds, tanagers, thrashers, thrushes, vireos and warblers.

There are many kinds of baths available on the market: bowls and dishes, puddles and fountains, some suspended and some set on the ground. With a little ingenuity, you can make your own from a tray, garbage can lid or a Frisbee. Any type of bath will attract birds, but some species prefer particular structures and bath placement. To attract a diversity of species, consider more than one type of bath.

The most popular type of bird bath with humans is the bowl or dish on a 3' pedestal, perhaps because they function well as landscape ornaments. Fortunately, they are popular with many birds, too. They readily attract cardinals, catbirds, chickadees, doves, finches, goldfinches, mockingbirds, nuthatches, orioles and sparrows.

Dishes or bowls set on the ground or partially buried are especially popular with ground birds such as quail. But they also attract doves, juncos, robins and sparrows.

Multi-level pools and fountains can have the added attraction of moving water powered by recirculating submersible pumps. These types of baths draw buntings, cardinals, catbirds, cedar waxwings, chickadees, doves, finches, flycatchers, goldfinches, grosbeaks, mockingbirds, nuthatches, orioles, sparrows, titmice, thrushes, vireos and warblers.

Moving water can also be provided by a simple dripper or a garden hose with a water fountain placed above a bowl, dish or shallow pool. The Water Wiggler is a useful battery-operated device that provides movement by gently agitating the water. The sound of the water attracts birds likes doves, juncos, mockingbirds, quail, robins, sparrows and towhees.

Even a small hanging cup will attract a few little birds like chickadees, finches and titmice for a drink.

Hummingbirds seem like they're always on the move. Just as they eat in flight, they bathe on the wing. To please them, set up a mister near your hummingbird feeder or over your pedestal bath. They'll fly to and fro through the mist, then perch somewhere in a tree to preen and dry.
Keeping bird baths is a simple and pleasurable task. Here are a few tips:
  • Provide clean water. Still water may need to be replaced daily since it can become stagnant in the heat. Flowing water may be freshened less frequently.
  • Refill the bath before it becomes dry. This is always important, but especially so if you are running a submersible pump.
  • Maintain a shallow depth. Water more than 2" deep is too deep for the little creatures. They want to bathe, not swim.
  • Provide non-slip footing. Plastic and glazed ceramic baths my have slippery surfaces. You may improve them by creating small islands or shoals of pebbles in the center or around the edges.
  • Extend the bathing season by adding a thermostatically controlled water heater.
So, while the time is best, set up a bird bath near your home. The birds will show their appreciation by providing you with an educational and entertaining experience.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Fall Bulbs For Warm Climates

Well, of course fall is on the way. And though some parts of the U.S. are already enjoying moderating temperatures, we in the Deep South are not. So it's difficult for us to get into the mood to think about planting fall bulbs. In fact, one customer recently wondered whether there are any fall bulbs that perform reliably in our heat. For some of us, average minimum winter temperature is only 40 degrees Fahrenheit. So I decided to put together a quick list of fall bulbs that do well in warm climates.
As you scan the list below, you'll notice that a number and, usually, a letter follows each plant name. That is the warmest USDA climate zone where that plant is reported to succeed. If the plant does well in much colder zones, I feel it's unnecessary to state the climate range. However, there are some bulbs that are only successful in the warmest zones, so I noted their range, e.g. "9-11."
  • Allium aflatunense 9b
  • Allium giganteum 9b
  • Allium sphaerocephalum 'Hair' 9b
  • Allium moly 9b
  • Allium 'Mount Everest' 9b
  • Allium neapolitanum 9b
  • Allium oreophilum syn. ostrowskianum 10b
  • Allium schubertii 9b
  • Allium siculum syn. bulgaricum) 9b
  • Allium sphaerocephalum 10b
  • Anemone blanda 10b
  • Anemone coronaria (De Caen) 10b
  • Camassia cusickii 9b
  • Camassia leichtlinii 9b
  • Chionodoxa forbesii 9b
  • Chionodoxa luciliae 9b
  • Colchicum spp. 11
  • Crocus sativus 9b
  • Crocus speciosus 9a
  • Crocus vernus 11
  • Crocus zonatus 10b
  • Erythronium revolutum 9b
  • Freesia 8-11
  • Fritillaria persica 10a
  • Fritillaria uva-vulpis 9b
  • Hippeastrum papilio (Butterfly Amaryllis)8 - 10
  • Hippeastrum hybrids (Dutch and South African Amaryllis) 8 - 11
  • Ipheion uniflorum 9b
  • Iris danfordiae 9b
  • Iris x hollandica 9b
  • Iris reticulata 9b
  • Lycoris aurea 10b
  • Lycoris radiata 9b
  • Lycoris squamigera 11
  • Muscari latifolium 9b
  • Muscari macrocarpum 9-11
  • Puschkinia scilloides var. libanotica 9b
  • Ranunculus asiaticus 8a - 11
  • Scilla hyacinthoides (syn. campanulata) 10b
The following narcissus are known to do well into zone 10b:
  • Narcissus Accent
  • Narcissus Actaea
  • Narcissus Barrett Browning
  • Narcissus Bell Song
  • Narcissus Carlton
  • Narcissus Chinese Sacred Lily
  • Narcissus Dutch Master
  • Narcissus Fortissimo
  • Narcissus Golden Bells
  • Narcissus Grand Soleil d'Or
  • Narcissus Hawera
  • Narcissus Ice Follies
  • Narcissus Jetfire
  • Narcissus Mount Hood
  • Narcissus Pheasant Eye
  • Narcissus Pipit
  • Narcissus Replete
  • Narcissus Rijnveld's Early Sensation
  • Narcissus Rip Van Winkle
  • Narcissus Tahiti
  • Narcissus Sir Winston Churchill
  • Narcissus Tete-a-Tete
  • Narcissus Thalia
Beginning July through December, you'll find a great selection of fall bulbs for warm climates at GoGardenNow.com.